Basic Facts about America's Wild Horses |
Our American horses and burros are under siege across the country. Wild equines are being rounded up by the thousands from their rightful native lands and oftentimes shipped to destinations unknown.
If the BLM doesn’t round up the wild horses, won’t they starve or over populate?
No. Similar to the horse slaughter issue, many people parrot the anti horse jargon because it's so well publicized in the media, but with a simple look beyond the BLM website we find the complete opposite of what the BLM claims to be true.
Documented evidence confirms that the widely publicized claims made by the BLM with regard to the so called starvation of wild horses are NOT true. The wild horses are NOT “starving due to a lack of forge and water” as the BLM would like the public to believe. Documented evidence further indicates a clear and long established intent by the BLM to thwart its legal mandate and obligation as charged by Congress to uphold the 1971 protective act for wild equids. Independent studies of the BLM’s own data indicate that the rogue actions taken by this arm of the government are placing our wild equines at risk of extinction.
There is no transparency or responsibility as illustrated by their cruel helicopter stampedes, their unwarranted removals, their ruthless killing, their stockpiling of wild horses on privately contracted government ranches, nor their the vast disappearance of these innocent and majestic icons thereafter.
Despite mounds of evidence to the contrary, the BLM claims that no wild equines go to slaughter, however wild horses are being shipped straight to slaughter on a regular basis.
Horses are Native Species to North America
Substantial evidence exists to prove that wild horses originated in North American, that they contribute in many positive ways to the replenishment of the natural environment, and that their removal by the BLM is vastly due to immense pressure by the powerful livestock industry that receives subsidies for running cattle on the tax payer land in the horses’ stead.
Scientific reports verify that the BLM is mismanaging the wild horses to the detriment of the environment and to the wild horses as well.
Call to Action
Due to the rapid diminishing number of Wild Horses in America, the remainder must be protected so they can continue to evolve without threat of extinction due to capture or removal by mankind. Protection efforts including rescue, sanctuary and preservation in the wild is vital. As the remaining number of Wild Horses in the U.S. nears extinction, education and appreciation through the protection of Wild Horses through preserves and sanctuaries becomes tantamount to their survival as a species.
Recent Developments:
The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee has unanimously approved the Fiscal Year 2019 Interior Appropriations bill which includes language that would prohibit the Bureau of Land Management from killing healthy wild horses and burros or selling them to slaughter. The Senate and House versions of the bill will now move to the floor. However, the two bills are significantly different in that the one version would allow the Secretary of the Interior to create non-reproducing or single-sex herds through various means including surgical sterilization.
Surgical sterilization has been found to be painful and dangerous for individual animals and would threaten the diversity and health of whole herds. These procedures have reportedly put mares at serious risk of infection, hemorrhaging and other post-operative complications, some of which can be life-threatening. Plus, the cost associated with sterilizing large numbers of equines in the field is unknown.
In the past, BLM’s failure to implement cost-effective and humane management practices has resulted in more than 46,000 wild horses and burros being stockpiled in government holding facilities. Just last year this cost taxpayers over $47 million to house, feed and care for them.