Primary Care and Safety – Providing for the primary care and safety needs for rescue horses and burros is a key factor in managing sustainable rescue and sanctuary services for at-risk animals in need. Oftentimes rescue horses are surrendered by their owners due to financial hardships that have impacted the primary needs of their horses. When the primary needs of an equine are not addressed, circumstances can quickly transform into special needs situations. Funds raised in support of our special needs program helps to cover costs for primary care and safety, to help restore the health of a rescued equine, and to help provide a healing environement for at-risk equines needing time and care for rehabilitation. Primary care and safety services include routine dental and hoof care, vaccines, prescription medicine and first aid supplies, dietary supplements for senior equines, pregnant and nursing mares, milk-replacer for orphan foals, and supplemental feed and grains for starvarion victims, as well as routine primary preventative care servcies to help assure safety and protection for each animal served under the Sacred Equus Foundation